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SUNFLOWERS FOR UKRAINE on Recycled Water Bottles

Did you know that the Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine? 

Ukraine is known for being one of the world's top producers of sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. Its commercial production started after the Russian Orthodox Church allowed sunflower oil to be used during Lent - a period of fasting and abstinence.

As a result, the country became famous for yellow fields with flowers facing the direction of the sun. 

To the people of Ukraine, the sunflower symbolizes warmth and the power of the sun. 

How Sunflowers Grow

SUNFLOWERS grow from seeds and every flower contains a thousand or more sunflower seeds to grow. They need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight and some varieties can grow up to six feet.

In cold countries like Ukraine, seeds are planted in late spring and harvested before autumn at the latest. 

At the University Avenue of the  University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City where sunflowers are usually in full bloom by March marking the graduation month, Certified Seeds have been planted to ensure that sunflowers will be able to tolerate the rains and still be in bloom by June in time for the revised schedule of University Graduation rites.

Recent Events in Ukraine

Ukraine used to be part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) along with Russia and other Soviet Socialist Republics. It declared independence from USSR in August 1991 and the USSR was dissolved in December 1991. 

As you may have learned by now, Ukraine - the second largest country in Europe next to Russia in terms of land mass - was invaded by Russian military forces on February 24, 2022.

What Russia has initially represented as 'peace-keeping' operations through demilitarization and denazification (oddly of a country with a Jewish President)  turned out to be an unprovoked invasion and intentional assault of Ukraine and its citizens. This started the days-old war in the country

Heart-breaking News

Russia's air strikes and bombing of government and commercial buildings, schools, homes, children and maternity hospitals, healthcare facilities and nuclear power  plants in Ukraine have caused unprecedented destruction to property never been seen after World War II. A significant number of injured and casualties have also occurred not only among military personnel from both sides but also innocent civilians including children, the sick and the elderly.

Long lines of people including very young children, the sick and the elderly seeking to leave Ukraine shivered in the cold for days while waiting for their turn to board any available transportation that will bring them to the border. As of this writing, more than three million people are reported to have fled their homes to seek refuge in nearby European countries. 

Based on videos and photographs shown and stories narrated on foreign television channels, one cannot help but be teary-eyed seeing husbands, fathers and brothers bring their wives, sisters, mothers and children to the train station, only to be left behind to help and serve in the resistance movement against Russia, uncertain if they will see each other again.

A train carried seriously-ill children to a city yet to be invaded by the Russians for needed treatment. Before this, they were moved from their beds and brought to the basement of the hospital every time shelling and bombing occurred causing fear and hysteria among the children and their guardians. 


Truly heart-breaking is the sight of old men and women who survived the brutality of World War II and now have to face the trauma of another war which they never imagined to experience again in their twilight years.

Thankfully, neighboring European countries immediately opened their doors to refugees and welcomed them with free accommodation, food and other humanitarian aid not only in refugee camps but also in hotels and private homes. A mother and daughter who traveled long, grueling days from Ukraine to Poland found refuge at Tel-Aviv, Israel with a family they have never met before. This family wanted to reciprocate their kindness for providing shelter to their son - a Jewish Prisoner of War who escaped from the prison camp during World War II - disguising him as their own son to protect him from Nazi soldiers.

Admirable Ukranian Spirit

These notwithstanding, the Ukranians are unfazed by the brutality of this war which they did not expect and were not prepared for. 

Both young and old continue to show bravery, resilience and solidarity as a nation to win the war against Russia and protect their sovereignty at any cost. 

Can you imagine a Ukranian civilian getting on top of a moving Russian tanker and waving the Ukranian flag unmindful of the danger to his life! While bombings were going on, Ukranians tried to block the entry of Russian tanks by kneeling and lying down on the street. An old farmer decided not to join the evacuation to be able to harvest his tomatoes and apples and make them available for those left behind.

Even the women of Ukraine stood out in this time of crisis. A lady violinist decided not to join the mass evacuation but stayed to play her music in the bomb shelter. A mother left her daughter and mother in Ukraine to evacuate very young foster children under her care.  Surprisingly, many women returned to Ukraine to join the resistance after bringing their families to safety. Some Ukranian women who are comfortably settled as migrants in other countries decided to pack their bags and return to Ukraine to help fight in the war.

While western and European governments including the NATO have yet to give their support to Ukraine's plea for a no-fly-zone for Russian planes over Ukraine - a move that is anticipated to trigger a third world war - the Ukranians are reported to have already gained substantial advantage over the Russians in terms of preventing and slowing them down from advancing and occupying the key, critical cities at the start of the invasion.

As President Zelensky of Ukraine emphasized, “we will fight in the forests, in the fields, on the stores, on the streets.” This conviction and decisiveness to achieve victory to protect Ukraine's sovereignty and independence has endeared him to the Ukranian people and has won admiration of world leaders and ordinary people around the globe.

The Ukranian spirit is indeed so unprecedented in this 21st century war that is occurring in modern, digital age Europe - so contagious that to date, at least 16,000 volunteers from all over the world have reportedly registered as volunteer fighters and are making their way to Ukraine to help win the war against Russia.

Sunflower: An Icon of Support for Ukraine

With this turn of events, the sunflower has become a worldwide symbol of support for Ukraine. 

Sunflower photos are being used as identity icons in social media to show support and sympathy for Ukraine. Foreign dignitaries, diplomats and government officials wear sunflower signages during official functions. 

GREEN Craftivist is painting sunflowers on recycled water bottles to join the worldwide clamor for restoration of peace and respect for sovereignty of Ukraine. 

Let us Plant Sunflowers and Good Leaders Too

The yellow fields of Ukraine may never be the same again, or hopefully until the end of the war and peace has been restored. 

In the meanwhile, let us all plant sunflowers and make our gardens a refuge for Ukraine's symbol of flaming courage, brave defiance and intense love of country.

Let us also choose our leaders very, very carefully as their decisions and the principles for which they stand determine our country's future, the future of our children and our children's children. 

You can reach me at

Apple Bleza-Morales 

About the Author:
Apple (or Maybelle in the corporate setting) is an HR Professional who is passionately immersed in home and community gardening as well as related arts and crafts. She completed post baccalaureate studies in Human Resources and Organization Development at De La Salle College of Saint Benilde and holds a Master's Degree in Industrial Relations from the University of the Philippines with focus in Human Resources Development. 

References:  CNN Live News (Channel 251 via Cignal TV) 


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