Hi everyone!   

After having worked for more than forty years in both government and corporate sectors, I decided to retire early in the middle of the pandemic to minimize exposure to the Covid19 virus and to spend more time with the family. 

Before this and during the lockdown period, gardening - which has been my passion and stress reliever activity ever since - took up most of my un-worked hours and eventually of my new-found freedom. For this reason, I do not consider myself as a “Plantita” - a pandemic-born plant grower or enthusiast. I nevertheless became part of that huge population that got carried away with the “Plantdemic” surge.

I aim to share with you some home-grown gardening tips and ideas, related recycling projects that contribute to greening the environment and waste reduction which I saw from my travels both local and international, art and photography works that support these, as well as relevant life lessons I picked up in my journey as a child, wife, mother and human resource and organization development professional.

Your meaningful comments and suggestions will be my daily dose of inspiration and learning.

The pandemic times are definitely difficult for all, but we can enjoy the moment by being creative and productive in more ways than one.

Always remember that life is beautiful!

Apple Bleza- Morales

About the Author:

Apple is passionately interested in community greening and beautification, organic and ornamental gardening, environment protection and preservation as well as related arts and crafts. She shares her professional, personal and travel experiences to spread knowledge and information in these areas which may not be accessible to all who are similarly interested and aims to inspire others to develop and create new ideas from her blogs.

Apple holds a Master's degree in Industrial Relations from the University of the Philippines. She held leadership roles in Human Resources during her employment with the private sector, developing and implementing HR and Organizational systems that help employees to grow their careers and employers to achieve a mutually beneficial engagement.


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