Growing up in our ancestral home along Tilik Bay in Lubang Island gave me the rare opportunity to experience nature on a daily basis - something which children from the city would only see and read in books and magazines or watch on television. What was it like to live and grow up by the sea? The sea was my classroom and playground where different species of marine life like starfishes, sea cucumbers, crustaceans, fishes, sea urchins,sea weeds among others abound. During high tide, the shore turns into a gigantic swimming pool where I learned to swim using a dry bamboo pole or two dry coconuts tied together for my life saver. At low tide, the sea dries up into a vast expanse of land where we gathered sea shells called ‘ Sihi’ for our dinner soup matched with the slippery sea anemone which we broiled in bamboo sticks. My best friend and I loved to walk up to Angggan - the coral reef that marked the boundary between the dry land and the deep, blue sea - to ...