OF ART AND GARBAGE: Attitudes and Shared Responsibility
Is there a better way to dispose of garbage and other items we do not need any more than just unmindfully dumping them in the trash bins? Many often look upon garbage disposal as a menial task that doesn't need any thinking, creative or otherwise, and meant only to be done by helpers and cleaners. Yet our current pollution and climate concerns lead us back to the manner by which we accumulate and dispose of garbage or things we do not anymore find useful. GARBAGE DISPOSAL AT HOME LEVEL Vienna has been voted as the Best City to Live in the World for 2023. In this city, good waste management practices start in the homes. Every house has a dedicated garbage bin for each type of waste material into which children as young as toddlers are trained to properly throw plastic wrappers or containers, paper waste, glass bottles and things that rot. This is reinforced by an educational system that teaches love of and respect for nature and the importance of...