
Showing posts from February, 2022


Are you in a hurry to achieve colorful hues in your garden but cannot wait for flowers to bloom? Planting Mayanas is the way to go. Coleus plants more commonly known as Mayana come in different varieties and colors.  With half a day of direct sunlight, half a day of shade and daily watering just enough to keep the soil moist at all times, they will survive beautifully and give you a festive-looking garden in a short period of time.   Propagating Mayanas from Stem Cuttings Mayana plants are very easy to grow from cuttings. Here are some of my tried and tested strategies which have always proven to be effective.  💗  Source of Cuttings    Get your cuttings from a mature Mayana plant. Look for the topmost stem of the main branch and cut it below a node to at least 6 inches in length. A node is the part of a stem where new leaves, branches or aerial roots start to grow.  The Mayana stems are soft and watery so you will need to check if your targeted c...